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Frutos Extra Olive Oil Special Function
日期:2016-06-07  发布人:admin  浏览量:235

According to the international olive oil council rules, an olive oil to were rated "premium" extra virgin olive oil, must satisfy three conditions: 


1. Pure physical cold squeezing production process;
2. The physical and chemical indexes reach the legal standard of extra virgin olive oil;
3. The sensory test through official acknowledged the panel of judges.



The original bottle of imported by strategy group sales of extra virgin olive oil in Spain


The first two conditions is the production process of extra virgin olive oil and the physical and chemical indicators, the third condition is the natural flavor.


Professional teacher evaluation of olive oil, product oil will use dark glass tasting.Tasting for step: add two tablespoons of olive oil into the dark glasses, one hand holding the glass, another hand cover glass, shaking a minute or two, from the inside of the cup will have fragrance overflowing, will close nose smell, deeply record the smell;Then sip olive oil, contain in the mouth, let the olive oil in contact with the mouth, full palate and tongue, so immediately to the taste of olive oil have the feeling that closed his mouth with his nose again take a deep breath, the smell of olive oil from pharyngeal into nostrils, this will bring product oil finish some different smells, do records;Finally, swallow olive oil, feel the taste of olive oil in laryngeal categories and aftertaste, and do the record.


Product description is generally oil division recorded flavor:


Good flavor: green fruit (reminiscent of immature fruit), mature fruit, apple, newly cut grass flavor, the leaf aroma (when very green olives press), sweet, bitter taste, "dry" feeling in the mouth, the feeling of hot, apricot, FIG flavors and aromas.



Frutos Extra Olive Oil Material from the local high-quality olive varieties planted in Spain


Bad flavor: earthy, Chen, metallic taste, damp, and the air is too long time contact and the "spoiled", rancidity of ga la.


Only has good natural flavor of olive oil is rated extra virgin olive oil.Each kind of extra virgin olive oil has its unique flavor.For relapsed winters' extra virgin olive oil, due to its high quality raw materials selected from Spain local production olive varieties, picking the best mature period, and by 20 experienced analysts to strictly control the production process, and therefore has a unique flavor and are appreciated by customers.